


This Sacred Ellanio Text analyses the infinite Creation of Alpha and Omega through infinity of Infinity. A Creation infinitely created for all humans, who are the children of Infinity.

Continuing from the previous Ellanio Text regarding the Platform Development of Alpha and Omega, Artemis Sorras analyses the true symbol for infinity of Infinity, where the Forces of Creation created absolutely everything with infinite Abundance, Harmony, Justice and geometrical precision.

Through the diagrams presented in the Text, the writer Artemis Sorras shows the function of infinity of Infinity, where every creation (human) will ascend creatively and with infinite Freedom.

Finally, he proves to all of us that every creational process is found in our physiology, where the same, identical, equal but opposite, reversed and counter-balanced Forces of Alpha and Omega exist and are reflected through the cosmic mirror of our creation and existence.

Everything is created infinitely for you! Acknowledge the greatness of your creation and create eternally within the infiniteness of Infinity.

Below follows a detachment from the Sacred Ellanio Text:

"...All the forces that assembled for Creation* are the forces of Infinity.

All of these forces have infinite abilities, from the ALPHA Α entities

to OMEGA Ω Himself. Creation’s initial design is the entire Infinity

and the forces that exist within Infinity — including all entities and

hyper-entities — to be incorporated into the infinite creation of

Infinity. Consequently, they will all create their own Nomoteleia*

IOTA* creations within Nomoteleia Creation (equal for everyone and

everything). With Free-Will, all must adhere to the Laws–Oaths and

rules of initial Creation so that they can live and always be within

Creation and their creations; within Infinity and for Infinity.

It is important to note that Infinity has infinite ranks. When someone

refers to Infinity from a specific plane & level*, dimension or planet,

Infinity differs from level to level, dimension to dimension, entity to

entity, human* to human and the perception of each.

The closest meaning of Infinity for someone is something they cannot
count or define. For example, if I was to ask you “How many grains of
sand exist upon planet Gaia*?”, your answer would be “An infinite
amount”. This is your answer, since you cannot define or count them.
However, in essence, this amount is not infinite for someone else. A
specific number exists and can be defined since all grains of sand exist
upon planet Gaia — which itself is already measured and defined from
start to end. Therefore, the grains of sand can’t be infinite. The grains
of sand are a huge amount, but can be defined and contain an
arithmetical result. They have a start and an end, therefore in essence,
they are not infinite. However, for you, they are.

You live upon planet “Gaia” and in the galaxy “Eridanus”. It is not
possible to know how many planets exist within your galaxy. You don’t
have the capabilities to count them or even count the number of
galaxies your universe “ARTEMIS” contains. On your level, this gives
you the ability to say that the universe is infinite (which for you, it is).
What is infinite for you, for another entity, force, hyper-entity or on
another level of Cosmic-Life*, isn’t infinite. These know, and are able
to define and count the planets; not only the planets of your galaxy,
but of other galaxies as well. Or they may even feel (Niosis) that your
universe is one particle IOTA belonging to an entire cosmos*.
So, depending on the position of Cosmic-Life of Creation and our
creation, Infinity varies. In this way, every Infinity has another Infinity
above and below it, and each one after, another Infinity above and
below that. So, whichever Infinity you look at, whichever Infinity you
exist in, you are always within “infinity of Infinity”. This is why it is
infinite. As a IOTA creation, whatever Infinity you exist in, your
creations will also be infinite.

And this poses a big question for all IOTA creations:
How is it possible, as children of Infinity and of infinite Creation with
the infinite abundance of Cosmic-Life and bio*, that we confine
ourselves to horrible, compact and non-existent spaces within our
lives; in small groups, in small non-existent political parties, in small unproven dogmas, in insignificant relationships — detached from our
Infinity, our Freedom that exists within the infiniteness of our

Do you understand what it means for everything to have been created
infinitely for you IOTA (human), since you are a part of Infinity and the
Whole? And yet, you don’t even have a piece of land to live on???...".


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